Voltage overloading is a situation that occurs when the electrical circuit is subjected to the voltages or currents that exceed its maximum limit of carrying the required power. An electrical circuit normally contains wires, a fuse and the LOAD (the device). Exceeding the rated load for the circuit wiring causes the circuit fuse to cut off, shutting off the power to the entire circuit. There are several effects of voltage overloading. We need some skilled electricians whenever we face such a situation.

Let’s highlight the 5 effects of voltage overloading –

1)Low Voltage:

As the name suggests, this situation is very much troublesome for all of us. Today we can’t even imagine our life without electricity. So, low voltage is really a heartbreaking situation for us. Overloading is a major reason for low voltage. During high demand as the number of loads got increased, that causes voltage overloading which in turn diminishes the voltage. Apart from overloading, poor wiring conditions may also be responsible for low voltage. It may damage your valuable devices also. Without taking such major risk, you can simply hire a well-skilled electrician for these jobs.

2)The Buzzing Sound:

The second significant effect is the buzzing sound from the electrical outlets or switchboard. Moreover, the switches or the outlets become hot to touch. These symptoms are clear indications of voltage overloading or any kind of loose connection within the circuit. So don’t ever take the situation very lightly because it’s a serious issue. If you are having these types of issues then Immediately hire an electrician near you and schedule a booking.

3)Burning Odour from The Outlets:

Normally there is always a fuse or circuit breaker is attached to the circuit. This circuit breaker wire melts during overloading and breaks the circuit but if the fuse wire is loosened then excessive current may flow through the circuit and melts the insulator of the conductors which creates this burning odour. Immediately call an electrician near you and make it rectified otherwise it may end up with fire or other fatal accidents.

4)Sparked Outlet:

If you notice a blackened plug, that means the outlet has been sparked due to voltage overloading. Apart from that, there may be a loose connection within the circuit. Whatever be the reason, you should not take it lightly. Hire the best electrical service from us. Our professionals are extremely skilled and efficient.


Due to overloading excess amount of voltage flows through the circuit, generating excessive power. That is why the outlets and switches are hot to touch. Due to this overheating insulator cover around the wires is melted and that may cause a short circuit. We all know the terrifying effects of a short circuit. Moreover, Your electrical appliances are also damaged due to overloading. So overloading is not just a minor issue to ignore. You must consult with a skilled electrician for the perfect and quick solution.

As we know we can not live without electricity, so always maintain the safety of your home by keeping your home electrical system in good order. Don’t ignore any such small issues as discussed above even a small issue can result into a fatal accident. Hire a good electrician from available24 and fix your all electrical issues now. This much of your sincere effort can save you and your family from a terrible incident. Follow Available24 at facebook and stay update with better offers.